Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pasar In Labuan

Yesterday Shiang suddenly came in to my room in all sudden (that time I was changing leh ==), to ask us (roommate and I) whether want to go pasar tomorrow (is today, 6am leh...).  Since she is helping me all during this semester, so I think is time to say thank you in action, so I promised.

Got up very early this morning.  Got up at 5.30am and used that half an hour to clean up everything (is actually myself) then went down to find Shiang.  (I went down alone, it was a very very bad morning, and I really realize all along it was a lie from you to me.  Didn't know that I can't even ask you for such tiny thing... really disappointed)

guess where is this place? 
If can't guess then find your way to encrypt this... XD

Then we went to take birthday cake (Leng's de) from bakery shop.  I also got help for the surprise leh, although I didn't appear myself. =))

Then at around 11am went back to school le...
Oh ya, on the way when we were at Milimewah, met some friends and then at Bateras met again the same people...  Really sweat lo...

p/s: KENA SCOLD LO...  T__T

Saturday, October 30, 2010

HSK Result

Finally after almost a sem, I get my result!
Result of HSK!!!

The Openning Process!!!

I just simply want to post it here~
Bring home ny let you see la mummy...

Friday, October 29, 2010

I Changed

Suddenly feel free to look at posts that I posted last time.
Looking at the right side menu of my blog, realize that I started my blog for 2 years! (started since 2008)
Didn't know that I really got that 'mood' to continue my blogging this long.

There are lots of thing I realize that I have changed.
1. I become fatter a lot!!!
2. The style I of my blogging changed
3. Mind set also change

I feel that I really grown up a little.
Seriously, I become more home lover compare to last time.
I used to stay away from house, hate to stay at home, feel like home is a jail.
But now no more.

Friends are just someone that might turn you up one day.
They might treated you very good before but now forever.
Some of them even worst, they can betray you and treat you good if you are worth too!

I used to be that skinny (first picture) and now I become a fatty (second picture)...
What a shame..
People change to become prettier and I change to become uglier...





为什么会爱上一个不回家的人呢?这是巨蟹座碰上射手座不得不问的一个问题?原则上你们差别很大,一个喜欢在家,一个就从不粘家,一个敏感悲观,一个是大大咧咧,为什么会在一起呢?或者开始时候,射手座乐观没机心,给巨蟹座一种希望吧!但相处后巨蟹会发觉射手连根本的小小的你最需要的安全感都不能给你。对于射手座,他又怎么忍受得了巨蟹座的这一种痴缠呢?巨蟹最重要是家,对射手来说,家只不过是间酒店而已!发展下去,你们容易整日吵架,往往射手座会啥都不管,自己出去找其它的快乐,而巨蟹座就只有自己一人在伤感郁闷。金钱方面,巨蟹座那种能省就省的性格,射手座也无法体会的! 性方面,射手座在新鲜过后,会觉得巨蟹座有点例行公事,完全不能够满足他的挑战及冒险精神,自觉无趣因而发展与第三者的关系。


快乐的一对!你们是一拍即合型,因为大家都是好玩、爱热闹的星座。绝对是初见面相识没多久,你们就可以上床的人,因为你们都没有自制能力,只要好玩就得啦。你们很快走入同居时代,但要讲到结婚,你们其实不是太热衷,也没长远的计划及想法。有一日过一日的心态可能别人看你们很不屑,但你们却真能开心快活在一起,而且家中永远充满的朋友。  不过在家庭秩序方面,未免太一塌糊涂,房间里总是堆着脏衣服,洗槽里总是堆着没洗的碗碟,事关你俩都挺懒的,家里要不乱就怪了。同样在财务上一样有这个问题,希望你们不是整日因为不记得交电费被人Cut电啦。  性生活是完美的一对,大家都提供到对方需要的刺激同渴求,又会为对方而Enjoy,但长久可能要多换一些花式,否则新鲜感减退,感情还会扣分。
怎样也想不通,两个个性这样对立的星座怎可以在一起呢?  唯一的原因只可能是在性方面的吸引,如果是的话,要长期相处需要好好努力了。天蝎座对感情的独占性对于爱自由的射手座来说,怎样可以容忍?就算天蝎座用多少浓情厚意,怕且也难将活跃外向的射手座控制,你越用高压手段,他只会走得更快。射手座会对天蝎座那种近乎歇斯底里的激情感到压力,你也不会明白为何他什么事情都不肯说,你率直的个性无办法谅解他的心。要组织家庭,不妨将理财责任交天蝎座,总要有利益关系连到一线吧?  性生活除了最初的激烈淋漓之外,之后射手座会抗拒天蝎座的独占霸道,甚至反感而抗拒做爱。

对你们两个来说,很少谈恋爱可以谈得如此畅快,那是因为大家思想同步、不会有爱情中常见要独霸对方的情况出现,自由度最高,根本大家心底都不想对方管着大家的。你们感情发展顺其自然,不会刻意去追求,轻松而无压力,但要长期维持,一定要明白其实对方都是和自己一样,喜欢热闹新鲜,很快热恋也很快冷却,各自又会寻找另外的乐趣。太自由自在,每日填满不同的社交生活的话,与对方一起的时间就相对减少,会造成严重的沟通失调。组织家庭之前,首先要订出一个长远计划,要有责任感。对于金钱管理一样,大家争着挥霍,哪有这么多钱让你们用啊?!  性生活肯定是多姿多采的一对,大家什么都敢玩敢试,好开心的~
会有很多烦恼的一对,因为大家本身的观念有很大的不同,要维持长久的关系,一定要好好了解对方,互相学习,以长补短,方为上策。  恋情往往发生在射手座的工作或财政有困难之时,心情无处靠岸,发觉原来固定老实的摩羯座可以给予很多心灵上和实际上的帮助,于是他会接受一直追求他的摩羯座。摩羯座受射手座充满活力和乐观的态度影响,发觉人生不是他想象中那么灰,希望追寻快乐而受射手吸引。但一朝相处,却发现思想上无法沟通,怎能可以一起生活?!除非射手座会稳定下来而摩羯座又懂变通。  性生活一样有问题,射手座满心铺排的气氛和情调,可能因为摩羯的一句:明天我要上早班,或者今天不是太舒服而变成一肚子气。

符合要求,自得其乐的一对情侣!!  射手座自由而又独立的人生观和水瓶座非常相近,水瓶座最讨厌痴缠型的伴侣,对你就是正中下怀了,你们都不喜欢无变化的生活,生活圈子又广泛,如果要你们吃力地浪费时间去照顾伴侣,你宁愿放弃他。  所以你们是同居的理想者,因为根本很多个晚上你们都没有机会见到对方,他不知你何去何从,但你完全不会介意或者担心,因为你自己都会是一样。要选择结婚时,必先考虑你们可不可以管理到一个家庭,否则受苦的不是你们,而是你们的下一代。  性生活也算是绝配的一对,非常享受这个过程,可以没有其它压力,纯粹以达到满足性欲为前题,也不会因为对方有其它性关系而忐忑不安。
容易一拍即合的一对,但要长久相处,看来得花点心思。因为射手座对爱情通常是一触即发,绝不留手,试过不合拍了便更换,而双鱼座总之有人爱就成了,根本不会想想长远的问题,总是糊里糊涂地就陷进去了。关系一开始,射手座的人随时可以转身抽离这份感情,但对双鱼座纠缠、牺牲式的自毁手段,完全没有方法,只有拖得就拖,开始另一段感情之时,也不能与双鱼座完全脱钩,从而造成难以收拾的局面。千万不要为了一时的迷糊而贸然组织家庭,先要考虑有没有将来,连累下一代就不好了,而且大家缺乏理财观念,只顾眼前不顾后,所以啊,把家管好,对你们来说也是个不小的难题。  性对你们两个都是重要的一件事,可以用性生活去拉拢你们之间的关系,但长远来说,始终是靠沟通才有将来的。


每一次当有人要耍我是,身边的人都一定会帮忙插手,我真的很无奈。。。因为帮忙插手的人都不会帮我,而是帮那个开始欺负我的人。 =.=

全部人都要我请客。。。我的妈呀,我不够维他命 M 啊!!!
还没有有这类的 ‘医学药’ 啦,所以我现在有很严重地缺乏这类的维他命。。。

好无辜。。。 T_____T

有时候真的觉得很无聊,是玩到没有东西玩了是吗? 那我来玩。。。

所以,如果你注意到的话,几乎每个部落格里,有提到昨晚的晚餐的话,都会提到这个‘口头承诺’ (因为他们对我的口头承诺,所以陪我去吃麦当劳)

Homemade Porridge

This is the first time I cook porridge for myself this semester.  I bought those material yesterday night after my dinner.  Since there is food in my room, then I will not torture my own stomach, just eat when I feel hungry. =)

After I woke up, then I started to cook ady, it was still early and maybe make it: porridge as breakfast today!
I cook porridge with vege, and I got no idea what vege is that! I don't know the name of it at all... (sweat right?  Cause my grandma told me that the name of the vege called: tua cai means big vege in English.)

After my roommate got up, she cooked herself porridge too!  It was so satisfy can eat something healthy and nice. =)

One thing I realize...
My roommate is so damn lazy! =p
She even lazy to take her bowl down (we use to cut our veges and food at senior's house cause their kitchen are more clean compare to ours) to bring up the veges that she was going to cut to add into her porridge.  I was so swt... @@|||
Seriously I never see people like this, and now I met one... Is this consider I'm lucky??

There will be first Final Exam Paper tonight, I don't feel nervous at all and I don't feel any stress from this subject at all too!  Am I too confident???  No...
I hope not because I'm too confident, I hope is just because I'm lazy as well...
Guess my roommate and I will become perfect match as both of us are lazy people... =.=

Oh ya, another thing to mention here..
I'm so surprise that someone told me that I got BOYFRIEND... I feel so shocked when I heard this, cause myself also don't know that when I am in a relationship?  
Don't be so busybody to guess what status am I in la....  is none of your business right?
Seriously I don't think we got any chance to be friend anymore, is like there is an antibody in my brain that make me immune with your attitude and behavior.  I can't really accept you as my friend anymore... 
Seriously...  If you want to blame just blame yourselves, this is what you choose to be.. not me.

I'm so unhealthy recently, eat lots of heaty food...  and now my gums are swollen (this is the symptom of my body not enough of water... T_T)
Gonna buy 100 plus to drink with salt ady...
Hope everything become nice and well before Final ba~

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dinner At McD

Since is going to have study week and I am going to have my first FINAL paper tomorrow night, so I decided to go have 'outdoor' dinner with friends.  Since I'm the 'organizer' so I decided to go McD.
It was yesterday when I made that decision.

So I waited for so long, finally can eat McD!!!  6 of us went out~
Who knows when we went there, just realized that there weren't black pepper mcDeluxe anymore...  Poor Chai Fong cause she didn't get the chance to eat it!. =p
But because of me, all of them continue their meal in McD although with 80% of unwilling... =p

Didn't get to capture other people, only Chai Fong and Yu Jun who sat infront of me. =p
Oh ya, the 'mountain of' salt and black pepper is our (Syn Wei and I) idea, to save cost and the quality is better than we bought from the market! (actually are all excuses... hehe)

After our dinner, we went to 满载来 (is actually 满客来, I got no idea why I kept saying 满载来 lo).

The outside of the mini market looks very old and looks like those cheaplak shop, but when you step into the shop, you will got shock!  Cause I feel like going into a market in a mall!  I didn't lie... is true!
Well, bought some food and rice to cook for the next day~
I'm happy cause I can eat porridge already. =)

Then I took some pictures of mine... (ugly one)
Since is so ugly, so edited to make it look prettier (but still look ugly lo)
don't scroll down to see if you don't want to see my face.

oh ya, I edited Syn Wei's picture too!
p/s: my pictures are all edited background only... =p


Which one nicer???





p/s: 超级准!


Everything does seem go well.  I tried so hard to do the best but some how there are some of them don't really appreciate.  Sigh...

I went to town with Syn Wei and Yu Jun on Tuesday, from 9.30am until 4pm really walk until both of my legs painful once I reach home.  We didn't bought much thing just something 'useful' and we made ourselves full that day!  We ate lots of food!!! (really sounds like hunting for food)  We walked for around 10 mins from where the shuttle bus drop us down to eat ban min, then walk back there to shop in the super mini mall!  huh... really tiring, but we really enjoyed. =)
I wanted to take some vitamins from the clinic, but too bad they don't have vitamins C that for chewing.  They only have tablet at the moment... ( I hate tablet so I didn't take)

We bought something for souvenir as sample too, but the result of making it is damn difficult!  Feel like wanna give up!  It is so damn difficult to do it although I already know the way of doing it, maybe is because of the difference in material ba... =(

Yesterday I didn't go out from my room at all, spend whole day in the room, DOING NOTHING!
I got lots of thing to do, but I don't feel like doing them at all!  Argh, I know, just kill me... Then gastric came to visit me at night.  Really got no idea why it will come to visit me so sudden, cause I ate my meal everyday!
Is it stress asked gastric to accompany to visit me together?  I don't want!!! shuh shuh shuh!!!  go far far away!!!

I thought I will be feeling better this morning, once I got up... Yea, no more pain when I get up, but the pain come again after I had my breakfast!!! wtf...
The pain doesn't seem to reduce until now, sigh...
Tonight somemore ady rent car to go eat McD de la... haih...  Is really not my day...

Just now research on some vitamins and minerals, (just to take some from the clinic next week de) I think I will take vitamin B1 (feel tired easily lately), B6 (for slow learning and loss of hair), B12 (for my memory loss and drowsiness), vitamin C (bleeding gums... I really have serious problem of that, even my dentist told me to eat more vitamin C but the problem just can't be solve), vitamin E (for dry skin).  Still wondering to take vitamin D and calcium or not... (both are for bones)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday and Sunday

After the APN meeting, I started to wash my brain and make my brain started to work.  The next day of the meeting I started my presentation slide first. (mandarin presentation)  I never believe that I can spend for one day to finish it lo... @@

Before that, one of my friend asked me to help him and his group in their assignment.  I promised.  But when I finished my slide presentation the clock showed at 6pm already.  Sigh.  So I decided not to go help.
Who knows when I finish bathing, I heard that nobody is going to help, so I went.  Since I promised, so I went.
Didn't help out cause I waited for around an hour and they didn't start, so I left them... (really sorry about that)

Once I back room, I started to think again. Google search...
This was the first time I google so much and youtube so much!
I make lots of research, things that already in my mind but can't find in the Internet!  There were no suitable one at all!  I was so frustrated at first.  I even make the president and senior felt that I'm annoying (I guess la).  I gave up cause felt very tired and went to sleep at 2.30am.

This morning, I found what I want!
Finally... after whole night of thinking... (even dreaming also leh)  I get what I want! *happy*
very satisfied actually~
at least something I want is borned!.

p/s: spend whole day to make that leh... but happy~

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yesterday went for Ang Pau Night meeting.  (I got a 'promotion' that I become EXCO from AJK, that's why I have to attend the meeting)  I bought Syn Wei along because that was the first APN meeting I attended, previously was other person.

Since the president said we have to be there at 7.30pm plus those who late will have to pay RM5 as punishment, so Syn Wei and I reach there at around 7.10pm.  (early leh.. =p)
It was a very very very long meeting!!!
We started the meeting at 7.30pm and ended the meeting at around 12.30am!!!  Can you imagine it??? 5 hours!!!

Syn Wei asked me before we went for the meeting, "the meeting will be short de hor..." I told her that this kind of meeting shortest also need around 2 hours.  But I never aspect the meeting to be 5 hours long lo...
Really walao!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Didn't Know That You're Angry

I know things had pass which few weeks ago, 
but I still bare in mind on what had I done.
I asked many times whether you are angry with it or not.
The answer that you gave me was...
"nah... nothing la... "
"is okayh..."
I know that was just not the true word from you.
It shown you know, 
I can feel that it is not the real one.
Is hiding from me.

This morning I asked again.
I didn't ask you this time, 
I asked someone that close to you
Well, the answer that I get was:
"yala... got little bit la..."
"he is very strict..."
"but is okayh la... we manage to settle it.."

This time I feel calm,
at least I know that you angry.
I know is my fault anyway, 
just I really don't know how...

Anyway, I feel better~
Thanks for telling me a...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Mood Leh~

Is Thursday and I got no idea why am I so happy and excited today.

Yuszren's class should be at 8.30am but I went out at 8am.  Ate my breakfast with Syn Wei at Binary Cafe, then went to 5th floor.  Met Mr. Yuszren and since he is my mentor so I asked him about FYP (I'm seriously scare of FYP cause I saw all seniors are like kalam kabut in their FYP.

Then get some information from Mr. Yuszren, we went to thesis room!  This is the first time I been there... really wow!!!  After that class to attend...

After class we didn't straight away back to our room but we proceed our 'research' of our FYP...
(really scare ma...)

Spend around another 2 hours in the main building, waiting for the lift, talking to Mr. Yuszren... and other lecturers~  At the end, we get some of the information that we want to~


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Little Of Disappointment

Had a little chat with you, 
it was so unbelievable that you came to find me in the chat!
It was really happy that you are free now (exam ma... XD)
But it was unhappy for me cause you can't celebrate it with me...

I thought that day all will be back who knows that I might be alone...

Never mind, I still have you guys~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Book ---> 《蔡康永的说话之道》

That day during APK presentation, I saw Edwin holding this book 


The book is belong to Remy's
I read thru few pages. 
And the book is interesting!
So immediately I ask mummy to buy one for me... 
and my little sister already post it in her post~

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm Not Emo, I'm just ANGRY...


Phone rang, your boyfriend called me and ask me to see whether you are okay or not..

Listen to what you said...
I was sleepy but I can't tell you that I need to sleep because I got class the next morning, because this is unfair to you and this is selfish behavior.

After what you had said, I feel scare.
Scare I can't handle this well.
Scare things that I'm going to handle will be huge and scare will end up with not what I imaging.

You told me about your experience too...
I know...
Maybe I know too much thing already, and this cause me feel lots of fear...
Wondering now whether am I choosing the right choice?
Am I taking the right opportunity?
Maybe I shouldn't take part at all...

But I'm already in it!
I have to bring the responsible up!
I don't care whether I can do it or not, but I have to take it already...
Really need help and bless from everybody~

Sunday, October 17, 2010


乐观与忧愁:射手座人的内心不是外表看上去那么乐观的,因为喜欢看的远,容易担忧的事情也就多,在他们的字典里,即使现在好,也不一定代表未来好,有时候很多人觉得很好的一 个工作或一个伴侣,他们很轻易的就会放弃掉,可能只是因为一个毫不起眼的小原因。所以,这样的外在表现,就让人们觉得他们不喜欢被某件事情或某个人束缚 住,追求自由的,没有压力的感觉。

现实:常说射手座是 追求梦想的人,但往往忽略了他们现实的一面,算计起来不会比处女座差哦,只是更高明更隐藏罢了。射手座人的梦想是必须建立在现实的基础上的,一般他们很少 谈及自己的梦想,而是实际的去做一些向梦想靠拢的事情。如果可以借巧力完成的事情,决不会多花一点工夫。所以有时候射手座也容易给人耍小聪明的感觉。可 是,不得不承认他们完成的还满不错。也许终其一生,他们都在考虑怎么巧妙的做一些事情,花最少的精力去达到最好的效果。所以,很多射手座看上去让人们会觉 得很懒,但是其实他们的大脑可没有停下过思考现实的事情。

拒绝低俗:几乎所有 的射手座内心都是骄傲的,其程度绝不亚于狮子座。只不过他们不会显现在脸上,外在的表现总是随和的,恰当的。可是内在有着极强的自尊心,敏感也情绪化。因 为射手座人心中是骄傲的,所以他们拒绝低俗,不喜欢任何俗气的、粗鲁的事或人。如果可以,他们希望一切有关的事物,都是优雅的、高尚的,值得品味的。而真 正能让他们觉得值得交朋友或谈恋爱的人是很少的,虽然表面上他们是很随和的。

多情:很多人说射手 座多情,尤其是男性。其实在射手座人的心目中,对于爱情确实有理想化的倾向,和他们谈恋爱,是一件高难度的事情。他们非常讨厌俗气的人,所以你不能很物质 或喜欢谈钱,但是他们又很现实,所以你不能一文不名,各方面也必须有一定的实力。物质与精神,你必须平衡的刚刚好,才让他们觉得你值得去爱。或者,你有足 够的神秘感,可以让他们不知道你的缺点在哪里,而盲目的爱你。一般,当然是没有完美无缺的人的,所以,可能象金牛座这样永远会让射手感觉捉摸不透的闷闷的 人,会非常吸引他们;或者象双子那样,足够机智,懂得察言观色,捕捉他们的情绪,才会让他们感觉到爱情的甜蜜。一般射手的感情模式是,第一阶段,你们还不 熟悉,他(她)爱上了你,非常热情。第二阶段,你们逐渐熟悉,而他(她)开始龟毛,整天挑剔你的毛病,无论是背地里还是当面。如果你有幸通过他(她)的挑 剔过程,基本挑剔出的毛病为零或者你把缺点保密的非常好;那么进入第三阶段,他们就又是忠诚和热情的爱人了。但是基本能通过第二阶段的人非常少,所以有了 射手多情一说。其实射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧。



射手座是大孩子,天真与善良,遇到爱情时,可能让人感觉不认真,付出的比谁都少。可是,知道吗?射手座很想爱,却也很怕爱!刚开始他们只是慢慢的付出,谨慎 的爱,好怕自己会受伤。可是在一句一句的爱,一天一天的相处下,射手座把带刺的防备丢掉,开始不顾一切的去爱他们所爱的人,在别人眼中,只是射手座为了达 到某种目的而作的行动。可射手座不介意,他会在自己幸福的想象中陶醉,希望对方能感受自己的爱,想对方觉得与自己一齐是幸福的。

 在射手座爱上了 一个人,他会把自己放到最后。有苦自己承担,可能会因为吵了一场小架而不开心,却也是最快认错,无论谁的错,他们都会包容,知道吗?射手座会因为深爱一个 人而原谅他的背叛,会因为你的一句话付出很多。他们爱玩,在玩的同时,也希望把那一份好心情带给你,射手座是乐观的。 

人们总觉得射手 座的世界很快乐,可是呢?射手座难过时没有人知道,他不想让别人可怜自己,射手座不坚强,可是很善良。在你难过时哄你开心,让你有依靠,分手后,他会哭者 去想属于你们俩幸福的回忆,也不想爱的人因为同情而勉强和他一齐。他比谁都希望自己爱的人快乐幸福,却常常忽略了自己,全身都是伤也笑着告诉你,我很好不 用担心。

在所有人看到他的笑容以为他没事,却不知道失恋对射手座有多大伤害,华丽的外表下有一颗脆 弱的需要别人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你的一点关心,心思细腻的射手座会记得你对他的好,把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你,射手座是不被了解的,可他们不会怨 谁。他们会傻傻的认为,让我承担吧,别让别人也受到伤害。所以,不要让快乐的射手座痛苦,别让他们最有魅力的笑容成为掩饰痛苦的伪装,认真爱射手座。


It Comes Again

Emo comes again..

it has been long time emo didn't come to visit me, well I didn't miss it either, but it comes to visit me...


I'm hungry now...  
Got nothing to eat in the room except of biscuit, oat...
Don't feel like eating those 2 food because of the hot weather...

Asked some others to bring back some food when going out to town...
Smsed but no reply and being told that will sms me when in the town.
I waited since 12pm... until now...
Guess what came back to me?
'Oh... forgotten... sorry...'

Really disappointed with this...
But what I can do?
Nothing... and not blaming that person, but blame my own stomach, blame it why it wants to be hungry...


Yesterday my roommate told me that there will be swimming this morning.  
(I joined swimming club)
Once I heard the news I felt pissed off...
Is Sunday morning!!!

I really don't like their management!
I paid for it and I didn't get a chance to go...
(I know you will say that there is a chance for me but I didn't choose to go...)

  1. they didn't set a good time for us, they always set according to their time (their = head of the club I guess)
  2. I never been any meeting of this club before, no idea who is the president or vice president of the club
  3. I know swimming time will be on Sunday but as I know till now only got 2 times of the swimming time for us..  (both didn't manage to go because both also got examination on the same day and next day)
  4. every time when they decided the time was one day before we know it...  Just like this morning activity, I get to know yesterday night and that time was already 10pm!
I was really pissed off with their management!  They didn't fix a time for us and every time when there is, I will sure have to rearrange my time... This is ridiculous! 
Argh... Don't expect me to join in the next year!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Take Three

It has been so busy after JCN and M1M.  I skipped class even often!!! (I know that this is bad, but friend signed for my attendance.) and I started to become lazier and lazier at the end started to abandon my blog...
Today got no class again because of some inconvenient of our lecturer, so today will be available for whole day. (available for assignment nia... )  So I'm now updating my latest status and what happened past few days.

I bought flight ticket back home is on 25th of November, happy that I can go back early (although is not consider early if compare to others in UMSKAL, but is early if I compare to my friends hometown.  Plus I don't have to celebrate my birthday in this island but with my sweet, warm family)  The procedure of buying tickets cause me lots of problem and make lots of mistake too! Everything is settled now and I learned.  I really learned. (hope wont lao sai again when I book flight ticket next time)

Then last few days I went to the temple to pray due to 九王爷 festival (is that consider as festival?) Actually I also got no idea how this came from, so don't ask me.... Maybe you can google it. =p
Went with Edwin, Wai Yen and Syn Wei.  When we were there, everyone went out for their activity, so we pray without noise and everything was so calm...
We had our dinner outside too!  WaiYen told me that no dinner, we will just go pray... So I ate some biscuit in my room but who knows, at the end I had another proper meal... =.=

And then started with my assignments day... Rushing here and there...
Looking at my schedule on the wall, it was full!!! There will be assignment to hand in everyday!
When busy comes, my body started to warn me... I got lots of symptoms which show myself that I'm unhealthy!!!  Argh....
I'm afraid actually...  Afraid that I might got some disease... (touch wood!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Gonna drink more water and less salty and spicy food.... until exam ends...

Well, I think I got to continue with my assignment already.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Experience It And Make It Better

After that few activities that I had involved, I learnt.
I learnt...
to forgive each other to get the best result for the activity.
to communicate more.
to co-operate with each other.

Sometimes it is just lots of conflict came out during the process to success.
But we need to help each other and we need each other shoulder to make ourselves become stronger.
As long as the end product that we produce after all the quarrels, all the tired and all the hard work is the best!

I learnt
sometimes we can be close friends in social but we can't really work together.
because conflict just happen.
No idea why.

But I hope all the experience I gain in the activities I will bare in mind so that I will never make the same mistake and I don't hope to see same 'tragic' to happen.

I just want a nice happy ending. =)

Friday, October 8, 2010


I had APK few days ago...
I was frying those potato cheese ball and chicken ball with others...
With some accident, I got my pants, shirt and even my leg with hot oil!
I don't mind the pain on my leg...
So I didn't bother much that time...

Just now when I was folding my shirt and pant, realize that the stain on my pants and shirt can't be washed!!!

super depress and dulan!!!
One is my birthday present and another one is my favorite pants!!!
some more now let people think that is my own fault that I didn't wear apron when I was cooking...
Even if I wore apron that time, the oil will still kena on my leg!
really bull shit la!!!


p/s: anyway to clear the stain away?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Really Hate When...

I really feel pissed off when I have to buy flight ticket.

Exam time table for this semester has been announced!  I found out that the last day of my exam will be on 24th of November (is consider early cause I thought I will be home at 27th)...
I already very fast!
I straight away click into the link of AirAsia and MAS... Called my mom about when I going back home.

I really hate when I have to book flight ticket by my own...
I scare I didn't alert of all the information and book the wrong ticket...
I have to see which is the best time to go back, cause scare daddy not free to go airport to fetch me...
(I know I am pamper...)

by the way, I don't know whether this is coincident or what cause every time I buy flight ticket I will definitely lao sai...

p/s: is going home soon!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


After M1M I didn't get a proper rest at all... then I have to welcome JCN (Japanese Cultural Night) into my busy life!
It was a tough one... seriously tough (tougher than M1M)
I have to stay overnight in the main building for 2 nights just because of this event.
There were so many unwilling of mine, but I have to put my commitment in it.....  just to hope others or someone would have appreciate what we did.
Been rushing for the expo which was held on Thursday, didn't sleep for whole night and went back room at 7am... Miss class, and I was so unlucky because that day got quiz!!!  argh...  (really sacrifice a lot)

Started our work on 26th of September...
Edwin and Ian Qiu were busying drawing (they are expert in drawing)...

while others were waiting for them to finish the drawing...

both of them were so concentrate and look!!! they are so handsome and pretty when they put effort to give birth to a baby!!! XD

thanks to Syn Wei who willing to follow me to help us~

discussing how to draw~
"why like that a?"
"er... maybe should try this out..."  .....

Finish drawing so that night  we do the board with all our heart...
(I was there too!  but I too pictures, but not all the time la... I got help up also de)

It wasn't a nice journey actually but I tried and did my best to enjoy the whole journey...
Although sometime I really do pissed off, but I still face them with my smile~

enjoy ourselves in the whole journey...
doing so many works to get the best result...

sometimes we even spend sometime to release our stress by doing some funny things~

most of the JLC members had given us so much of commitment and this kind of commitment I really didn't see from AJK in JCN... 

we worked hard and some even force to take a small nap to continue the job...

Really thanks to technical department, they really helped us out a lot... they helped when we asked to~  really gam dong when they willing to help us to finish setting up all the partition and stay whole night just for EXPO for the next day...
And specially thank to WEI SONG who willing to help us up during the last night of JCN (the next day will be the day of JCN)  He is the only person who willing to stay for help...
Thanks a lot~

as what Leng always said... : BULLY EXCO!!! hahahahax~

the best output we gave out~ 
but too sad because this board is not suitable to the venue...
strong wind keep blowing until the board was broken into half...
(Edwin's face was so black, because his laopo 'injured' liao)

This is the EXCO of tecnical (ah B) 
Thanks a lot a~


Here we are~
The whole team!!!
I think we should shout out loud: One Team, One Voice, One Heart!!!

Everybody does face different problems during this event, but I believe eveybody did their best and find the best solution for each other...
Blaming each other is not a good solution, but if each other know what is their own mistake is a good change for each of us...
Learn from the mistake so that this kind of matter will not happen in the next event.

Anyway, the output of this event was nice too!
Lots of people were praising~
I'm glad to hear that too, at least they don't know what happen inside, and they can enjoy everything that we gave out~

p/s: I don't mind to work hard, I just mind when nobody appreciate what we did.