This is my breakfast for today, does it look good?
Is okay la, I still can accept it but it is too salty for me...
Since the senior said that we are allow to go out today, so after the breakfast we went out for shopping at the shopping mall: 1 Borneo.
After you see 1 Borneo, East Cost Mall lost already.
Because East Cost Mall is much more smaller that 1 Borneo.
There are something I think is special and I capture them down...
Here you are:
can you guess what is this??
still cannot guess??
is bench la... hahax, really unbelievable!!!
You can't find this in Kuantan de... hahax
berposture... hahax
Anyway, I do make new friends there...
There are kind and friendly, they even say that I'm funny!!!
Okay, I think I already on the way to make people think that I'm different and crazy...
SSS pulak...
Here are those friendsss:
they are Joey, Yee Ling, GuoGuang, MinTing, HuiYi, XinWei, and XinLin.
(Not all of them in the picture, and I capture them secretly.... most of them from Sandakan and KL and Kuantan)
On the way going back hostel, saw this view of the sky when we were in the bus.
Guess what time it was??
Deng deng deng!!!
It was 3.00pm only ler....
unbelievable!!! 3.00 pm nia and the sky is this dark already!!!
hello, it wasn't rain that time yea...
Going to go down to take our dinner ady...
after the dinner we will have to go to the hall to have taklimat again, taklimat about the whole orientation....
Okayh, wait for my next update yea~~~
miss all of you
After you see 1 Borneo, East Cost Mall lost already.
Because East Cost Mall is much more smaller that 1 Borneo.
There are something I think is special and I capture them down...
Here you are:
You can't find this in Kuantan de... hahax
Anyway, I do make new friends there...
There are kind and friendly, they even say that I'm funny!!!
Okay, I think I already on the way to make people think that I'm different and crazy...
SSS pulak...
Here are those friendsss:
they are Joey, Yee Ling, GuoGuang, MinTing, HuiYi, XinWei, and XinLin.
(Not all of them in the picture, and I capture them secretly.... most of them from Sandakan and KL and Kuantan)
Guess what time it was??

It was 3.00pm only ler....
unbelievable!!! 3.00 pm nia and the sky is this dark already!!!
hello, it wasn't rain that time yea...
Going to go down to take our dinner ady...
after the dinner we will have to go to the hall to have taklimat again, taklimat about the whole orientation....
Okayh, wait for my next update yea~~~
miss all of you