last time there was SARS, Bird Flu, H1N5, this and that.
why the disease come non-stop? take turns?
now the hottest news!!!
------> H1N1!!!
they said this is the worst disease among all the disease.
is this a trend?
one get this kind of disease, will spread to others, then the whole world will suffer by this kind of disease.
who can control this?
I don't know and I am sure that is 100% not control by me.
well, how H1N1 starts?
this really challenge me..
cause i dunno about it...
what I know is this virus spread very very fast!!!
Lots of Uni, schools have to close down because of the case of H1N1
really troublesome
So to all dearest,
please please please
and I beg you!!!
do take good care of your health no matter where are you and drink more water and eat more vitamin C
make sure you are 100% far away from the dangerous disease.
of course not just H1N1, but do be far away from other disease too!!!
Love all of you~~~