But this time is having a proper meal in McD, not just ice-cream but proper meal and dinner along with few friends and 2 old seniors. =p
These are the 2 old seniors that I have been spend my time with during this semester.
(Mummy, the senior with white color shirt is the senior who cook soup and bihun soup for me)
By the way, both of them are naughty as what you see...
playful too. =))
really don't get it why she always try to hide her personality in front of camera...
camera shy??
I don't think so cause she kinda love captured by us.
Maybe she is trying to hide her face with burger...=p
Hey gal, show me your face! I helped you to make up de leh.... show it to others la!!!!
your hair is still like last picture that capture in McD last week ago...
eeewwww, they were so ugly when they are eating...
your face do look smaller in this angle.
maybe you can try to use this angle next time... =p
Didn't get to take much photo on myself..
I didn't make up out...
And I look ugly without make up... =((
Such big gal liao still play like that...
But Eacy (the senior who wore in black) said she has been awhile didn't eat till this relax...
guess they are facing lots of stress in FYP (Final Year Project)
and this really worry me because I will be facing the same thing in third year...
forget to mention, Afif came too
He brought along Didi and Hanin.
they came along and buka puasa in McD.
Afif really ate very fast and I think that he never really bite but swallow without bite..
A nice ice-cream become so ugly...
and this will only happen to Eacy, because she did that just because she love chocotop de chocolate...
Eacy, you really look old here....
Afif really make you look old... =p
Got a nice dinner.
I hope I can have this chance again...
next time we make steambot in hostel nia la...
p/s: I really love to eat lo...
very bad bad ar...post my ugly pic so much...XD...hahah..anyway, hv a great dinner with u guys...muacks ^o^