Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Birthday

It was few days ago if you notice.  Yupe, the birthday is my birthday.  God gave me a huge birthday present too for this year.  FLOOD.
If you do stalk me from my Facebook, you would have know my house got flood.  I never know flood can come so many times in a year, because previously flood come once only not as frequent as this time. 
This is the second time of flood.  Damn frustrated and I was alone at home that time, so helpless.  The water level that time is the highest for this year (touch wood, no more flood already).  Before the first flood on 2-Dec-2013, sis and I managed to bring up all the stuff before the flood came in, so we didn't put down everything immediately so I still managed to handle everything when the second flood came.  The second flood is so damn dirty.  The picture above is the second wave.  
Guess what, we cleaned everytime after the water gone.  So when the second wave of water gone too, we clean again.  Only God knows what He wants, the third wave came.  I was so tired and slept even when the flood came.  Mommy didn't sleep but she woke us up when the flood almost gone.  (For your information, you must clean the house especially the floor when the water is about to gone, or else you will suffer!!!  Trust me, I'm already consider as an expert in this. Fml..)
When the second flood came I was at home with Dong Dong only, look at his face, I guess he also fed-up with the situation.  He dislike rain and water so when flood came, his mood went down.  Anyway, he really behave well because he didn't give us any trouble when the flood came.  Thanks Dong Dong.  (I wish he reads my blog too!  LoL)

So it was 2 waves of flood on the 3-Dec-2013.  One is in the morning and one is in the late evening.  Well, thanks for the protection from the God, we are fine and fortunately we are not the very victim cause there are lot more victim out there faced very very bad disaster.  Their house left roof.  Can you imagine that?!

Took my time cleaning the house on 4-Dec-2013, plus I had period and sick so I slept almost whole day.  Sigh.  Sick when people need my help, really do feel guilty for this, but luckily sis was understanding enough she did most of the cleaning.  (appreciate much).  Oh ya, there wasn't water and electricity for like almost 12 hours because of the flood.  Tell you a lil secret, I didn't bath for a day because of the weather + no water  + I couldn't get hot water to bath!  Shhhh....  Don't spread out!  Lolzzzz

Yeap, my day!  I almost forgot this date cause of the flood la, I didn't even realize that's my day...  Lolzzzz!!  I supposed took annual leave for 5th and 6th so I can spend my sweet time do my own stuffs as I wish to.  But I feel guilty for not going to work on 3rd and 4th, so I went to work.  Pity me...
Anyway, my colleagues managed gave a birthday surprise.  Yeah, they made it.
So many different cake for my birthday!!!  Yum yum... (gained weight because of this! lolzzz)

At night, mommy bought me for dinner and we went to the same restaurant that we celebrated my birthday last year!  Lolzzz...
And yeah, last year I wore the same clothes to work too!!! Wow... so much coincidence...!!!!

Well, when grow older, you will realize birthday is not a big deal.  Nothing much to celebrate thou...

One last thing.
I dyed my hair.  First time ever I dyed my hair in salon!
I really love the hair color much, but the thing is I got to change my eyebrows' color d because the one I bought doesn't suit to my new hair color!  With the new hair color, I look fairer leh... Lolzzz  Anyway, I still wanna say it one more time, I really do like the color!  Lolzzz

ps: tomorrow is Sunday and I got to work... sobs...
pss: going to KB on Monday, please pray for me that everything goes smooth...
psss: my birthday wishes for this year is I hope to get good result for my sales next year & trying to be a better person so I can learn to love people who care about me.
pssss: I got 3 super special presents this year.  the first and second one is the so call mainstream blog.  Lolzzz from Debbie & from Lynn.  the third one is the birthday song from the tutor, it is not a normal birthday song cause it was the first time I heard it!  Damn cool!!!
psssss: pray for the flood victims~

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