Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not An Angel

Can't deny,
I am really a bad person, that's why I'm not an angel.  (Ah.... so lame... @@)
You can't even find kindness from me, don't doubt that you found one, because I pretend to make you found one.
I'm wearing mask from the top till bottom.
I'm good in pretending, good in acting, especially when acting a good person.

To those who close to me, please don't cause I might hurt you of being pretending like an angel.
To those who aren't close to me or even hate me much, please continue to do so to protect yourselves.
Is for you own sake!

Why I'm so kind at this moment tell all the truth?
Er, because just now an angel scolded me and hit me, so I want to tell everybody before I change my mind. I'm super evil and I'm a devil, not angel.
Although being scold by the angel, but I want to be as a devil, to avoid people around being hurt by me.
Don't ask! I just want to complete this post before I change my mind.

This is just a warning, I can't force you to do anything that you dislike or not being a devil's friend.
But as a devil's friend, please bare in mind that you might hurt or die any time because devil is devil.

So, just get far far away from me, or else you will get hurt...
Shuuuuu shuuu shuuu!!!!

p/s: just stupid of me...

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