Sunday, April 24, 2011

Damn Stupid Guy

Since this semester, my roommate keeps receiving weird phone calls.  The first time he called, my roommate said she heard weird breathing sound from the other side!
Not just phone calls, sometimes after missed call my roommate, he will message and say something very disgusting like: I'm fucking my Indonesia maid... or my maid wanna fuck with me...
Those geli things la!

Then started the idiot person keeps calling for don't know how long until now.  Don't know who is that person but every time when the he calls (assume as he is a guy cause only guys do this kind of thing gua... ), my roommate will sure pick up his phone to waste his money.
He didn't call everyday but he seems to choose days to miss call or message.
From the early days in this semester until now, when the idiot guy calls, we got no special feeling or shock already, just pick up the phone and put aside to waste his credit.  Sometimes we will find some weird weird song like Metha Chant from Youtube and play to him once he called.  Sometimes I will make ghost sound when we pick up his phone.

Yesterday was the worst one.  I wasn't with my roommates when the weird phone calls called her, she was playing her mastermind in a friend's house.  The friend wanted to help her to scold the idiot guy, so she called the guy and scold him!  At the end, the idiot guy messaged the friend also.  They were so semangat want to do something to make the idiot guy feel scare.

Then now my roommate got advice to go report to the police, so that they can take actions.  But if I'm the victim, I will just ignore the phone calls or message cause this kind of idiot guy they will get high and happy once he feels that he has successfully make you feel uncomfortable...
Nothing I can do also, just hope the few victims can set free from the idiot calls and messages la... LoL

Good Luck~

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