Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tag Tag Tag

① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案
② 请传给另外十个人
③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!
④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝
⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位
⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福
⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福

① 绰号:Wong Choi, Ah Yi
② 星座:Sagittarius
③ 生日:1989/Dec/5
④ 兴趣:FaceBooking and Blogging
⑤ 血型:o
⑥ 最宝贵的东西:Love 
⑦ 最討厭的东西:Hate-ness

① 有喜欢的人吗:Got gua... I don't know leh, a bit blur about that
② 有交往吗:Nope, nobody wants me... T.T
③ 幸福吗:Sometimes yes but sometimes not, I feel 幸福 when he cares about me
④ 他很爱你吗:who is that 'he'? my friend, my daddy or my brother?? 
⑤ 如果你有勇气最想是什么:confess?? hahahax

① 你被谁点:Wong Lee Yi
② 他是你的谁:Sister
③ 他的个性是:Stubborn, playful, secrety
④ 他长得怎样:Pretty and she has a big face like mine
⑤ 跟他认识多久:Since she was born
⑥ 你想跟他说什么:Mei, I Love You
⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:Oh my god!!! will become incest liao lo

① 最爱的音乐:any songs that is nice
② 最爱的季节:Winter and Autumn
③ 最爱的卡通:Something cute and interesting
④ 最爱的颜色:any color that suits me
⑤ 最想去的国家:all over the world
⑥ 最爱的水果:fruits that are sweet and juicy
⑦ 最爱的饮料:Plain Water
⑧ 最爱的人:Those who LOVE me. =)

① 你很爱哭吗:I have to admit that, I really like to cry...
② 你很爱笑吗:I love to smile and laugh
③ 你是很有信心的人吗:Sometimes sometimes.
④ 你想要怎样的生活:Happy, sweets and comfortable life
⑤ 你喜欢自己吗:yupe
⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:sure
⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:exercise make me sweat. =)
⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:If I can sweat, then I will like it.
⑨ 你很专情吗:If I really fall into it, then I'm
⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:I can sleep whenever I want to
你喜欢唱歌吗:I can't sing well

1. YuJun 
2. Syn Wei
3. Jacey
4. Edwin
5. Ee Loe
6. Cool Fung
7. Kok Hooi
8. Nicky
9. Sam
10. Mei Qian

「五号跟谁谈恋爱」her boyfriend lo
「一号是男的还是女的」gal gal
「六号人很好吗」okok lo
「二号很色吗」nola.... where got o... hehex
「十号喜欢一号吗」okok gua
「六号喜欢谁」Don't know
「你爱七号吗」okayh okayh lo...
「十号跟你告白」nonono impossible.
「四号有宠物吗」Don't know leh

如果你有三个愿望,Tell me your wish :
① Get what I want. =0
② More and more people LOVE me
③ Everything that I wish to will come true

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