Friday, December 12, 2008

What Are You Thinking?

I really don't understand why she get mad.

After she finished her shower, and she wanted to wash cloth and she shouted at me and said that
'why you didn't take those towel from the basket to wash? I told you to wash towel..'
Then I said that I have forgotten that there are still some towel in the basket. I just took the towel from the rooms to wash.
I really forgot that there are still got towel in the basket...
Then you scolded me and said
'everytime when I ask you to do something, sure you will never did it well'

I really don't understand is that is it forget to wash towel is a very very big deal?
I still can wash the towel now, not big deal!!
Why you need to shout at me and scolded me??
Sometimes you really like get mad, non of us really understand you.
Everything that we done, you always never think that it is good enough.
Just like just now, I really don't understand is it forget to wash those towel need you to be that angry??
You never think of our goodness, you will only remember the bad things of us...

Aren't life will be colourful and meaningful if you always think of people's goodness??
You will easily get old and your life will become darker and darker....

1 comment:

  1. My life isnt colourful. Haha! Anyway, a past is just a past. You cant do much about it. Keep everything cool. I hope everything else goes well for you.
