Saturday, May 8, 2010

Year 1 Ends!!!

Time really flies and we never realize that usually until time ends.  Now and today will be the last night I will sleep on this bed, this room and campus for this semester.  Well, it isn’t the first semester I stay here but I have been staying in this room for a year, got feeling with them already.

Second semester as first year student…
There are lots of thing happened in the first semester and it has become memory for me.  Good thing should make it as good memory and store it into the brain, while bad things should let them be lessons and learn from mistake.

Honestly, I really do learn a lot from these two semesters among all the friends.  They make me grown in certain side of mine.  Compare between these two semesters, I prefer the second semester, because I get to know new friends and those friends are really good to me and the important thing is they are real.  Do you understand it?  They are real, at least I feel nice happy when I was having fun with them. 

During this semester, I have enjoyed my life here, that’s why I feel the time flies and I don’t home sick like what I had last semester already.
I really hope I can get this kind of nice life, enjoyable life again in the coming semester. 
Guess what am I thinking now, I am thinking whether I will stick with the same gang of friends?  Well, I hope to stick with them but the problem is they still want to be friend with me or have they fed up with me?

Anyway, those futures’ happening let the future of mine to figure it, now I want enjoy my holiday.
Holiday, I think this will be a busy and fully filled holiday because I have to start to think and do things for JCN (Japanese Cultural Night) decorations. 

Kuantan’s friends, wait for me! I’m going to have nice nice time with you guys. ^^

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